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Geotechnical Drilling

One common reason for geotechnical drilling is site investigation. Site investigation is conducted to determine whether or not a site will be suitable for construction. It includes drilling to remove rock and soil samples, along with drilling to evaluate soil stability and other topics of interest.


Site investigation is critical for large structures. Unsafe soil or rock conditions may lead to structural collapse, or could create a dangerous situation in an earthquake or flood. The law often requires that a site be investigated for safety before permits to build will be issued, and that ongoing safety monitoring occur to detect any changes or signs of developing problems which could pose a threat to the development.

Services Include:

Hollow Stem Auger Drilling

Sonic Drilling

Mud Rotary

Direct Push Technology

Interval Soil Sampling

Continuous Soil Sampling

Automatic Hammer Soil Sampling

Cal Mod Sampling

SPT Sampling

Shelby Tube Sampling

Piezometer Well Installations

Inclinometer Well Installations

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